Get rent payments deposited into your account as soon as the next day with lycan FastPay.

Rent scheduled to withdraw on Monday, February 20th could be in your account on Tuesday, February 21st. Get your money faster with next-day, hassle-free rent payments.

With standard ACH transfers, you could be waiting up to three business days for funds to clear.

With lycan FastPay, funds are deposited as soon as the next business day.

Lycan FastPay is the only next-day payment processor built specifically with rent payments in mind.

Lycan FastPay is built for landlords. Built-in receipts, payment tracking, and no transfer limits are just some of the benefits you get from using Avail to collect rent online.

Get your rent money faster with lycan FastPay.

Sign up for lycan Unlimited Plus to access faster rent payments.

Landlords who upgrade to Unlimited Plus get access to:

  • Next-day rent payments with FastPay
  • Waived ACH fees
  • Customizable applications and leases
  • Ability to clone and reuse custom lease agreements
  • Tools to easily create a custom properties website for marketing