Just over a month ago in two hour+ podcast episodes, Rhett and Link told their stories about how they came to believe that Christianity wasn't true. He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance. Fast forward 35 years to a day replete with a global internet and smartphones, and Postmans words ring with the chill of prophetic accuracy. Both guys were raised in an environment that assumed Christianity as a part of the culture, and ultimately that did them a grave disservice. What he learned in time was that history disconfirms pretty much every major story from the flood of Noah all the way down through the Conquest of Canaan by the Israelites, with things not much improving for the next several books. He cohosts the award-winning television program Way of the Master, which airs in 190 countries. often suggest the real reason is so they can succumb to a life of sin, I find Thats humanism in a nutshell, and I feel the same way. The truth is that we have a personality-driven culture in which two comedians can persuade Christians to rethink their faith in just three hours of video. Thats a messy situation. That's why the recent Rhett and Link controversy has been so upsetting. Scarlett had befriended the very people who had destroyed the South. be One in Christ. Try the whole world. Ray Comfort I couldnt check his Instagram for updates every hour or tweet at him with the real possibility he might tweet back. How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? Rhett and Link's collective spiritual deconstruction isn't ultimately a deconstruction of the Christian faith but of Christian subculture. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they became convinced that Christianity is true as they gazed deeply at Christs beauty. As the logic goes, a God who is not on board with the LGBTQ agenda is not a God worth serving. I jumped into a sea of uncertainty. 1:24; Col. 4:14). Rhett & Link, best friends since 2 nd grade, currently host one of the most popular YouTube channels on the Internet, Good Mythical Morning. Since Rhett and Link were relatively deep into religiosity, having learned "Christianese" and the culture, it took them years to complete their pilgrimage to secularism. Commercial Kings: With Rhett McLaughlin, Link Neal, Shayne Pax, Brandon Taylor. Augustine goes on to say that it is significant when someone of this stature converts . When Scarlett was seen in Ashley's arms at the saw mill she knew. Rhett James McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln's hosts are known for their comedic viral videos and have gathered an estimated net worth of 30 million dollars. Ray Comfort is the Founder and CEO of Living Waters, a bestselling author, and has written more than 100 books, including, The Evidence Study Bible. It morphed into doubts surrounding biblical reliability, the historicity of the resurrection, and the general idea of hell and judgment. Its far easier to dismiss this all with the wave of a hand, ascribing imperfect motives to us as if that changes the facts themselves in any way. But I dont think its the actual arguments themselves people have found so persuasive. Melanie then asks for coffee and sandwiches. and Asian Christians, and Pacific Islander Christians you soon realize the This brings us to the salient question. Rhett is 0% left-handed. It isnt the skeptics who crave constant assurances were on the right track. I did not have a personal tragedybut I was angry at the thinkers. This channel has made Rhett and Link the fourth highest-earning YouTube stars 3 while reaching audiences around the world. Rhett says hes lost his appetite for certainty, and I know what he means. Confession: When I was a kid, I was in love with Ricky Schroder. How could so much of the history of Israel be made up? Alisa Childers wrote a piece for The Gospel Coalition critiquing Rhett & Links shared spiritual deconstruction from evangelical Christianity. As any parent will attest teenagers are difficult, children are much easier to control. This is how we know what there is to know about Jesus. Rhett and Link refer to an American comedy duo who are very popular on YouTube. God draws people to Jesus, He saves them, and He doesnt lose any of them. Chances are also good that one of them isGood Mythical Morning featuring Link Neal and Rhett McLaughlin. Church is much more varied and diverse than you can imagine yet can all still Rhett and Link met each other way back in Elementary school in North Carolina and they've stuck together into adulthood, at one time passing through a ministry phase as full-time staffers with Campus Crusade (now called Cru ). What about the rest of the world? admit in the podcast that moving to L.A. did free them of some constraints that Exvangelicals remember this compulsion well. The REAL Reason Why Rhett and Link Fell Away from Christianity Ray Comfort Founder & CEO, Living Waters Rhett and Link, extremely well-known YouTubers, recently posted videos talking about how they left the faith. had a broader perspective on certain subjects it freed them to consider that That is an excellent analogy. personally know that jettison God altogether during their deconstruction often become Rhett and Link have grown their brand performing hilarious satirical songs and engaging in zany stunts such as duct-taping themselves together, playing wedgie-hangman, crushing glow sticks in a meat-grinder, and flinging bags of dog feces at one anothers faces. He firsttells the story of how during college he fell in with a crowd of Young Earth Creationists who maintained that the universe is only 6,000-10,000 years old, give or takea perspective he would adopt for many years to come. SUBSCRIBE to Faithwires (free) YouTube channel. On the one hand, we dont want people who are not having doubts in their faith to listen to Rhett and Link and start doubting (Id rather have a millstone necktie). Or what about morality? By naming several apologists such as Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Tim Keller, and Ravi Zacharias, he knocked the legs out from under their arguments. And soon discovered some of these other traditions had different perspectives on some of the issues that often trigger Evangelical spiritual deconstruction: I came to realise the Evangelical aisle of the supermarket is a wonderful aisle in the supermarket but it aint the only aisleas much as they often like to claim it is. Co-founder of @mythical. Read what Steve Ham has to say on this subject. We were in conversation. When I discovered that there were many other aisles in the supermarket that contained delicious spiritual food I was at first nervous and suspicious. ButIm more interested now in what I do when I LIVE.because the only thing that I know that Ive got is this life. My advice to Rhett and Link (and borrowing from the Immortal words of Douglas Adams) is Dont Panic; across the Jordan River of spiritual deconstruction exists a promised Land of a deeper, richer, and more beautiful faith in Christ and his Way. They were also Christians, former missionaries, and Campus Crusade (now Cru) staff members. 4:10). As far as Christians believing in the theory of Evolution or not, there is too much to go into in this short post. I wont rehash all the arguments on which he touched (thats your own homework to do if youre interested), but in the end Rhett settled for himself that the gospels are a mix of religious propaganda as well as actual history. Like me, he leans toward believing that Jesus was a real person, even if he didnt do magic or come back from the dead. Gods in control. I never got a reply. But it wouldnt have shaken. Demas traded eternal hope for earthly treasure. And we as Christians shouldnt be surprised when this happens. For exmaple, you decide you're hooked on a song. Today that simple choice to follow Jesus and learn to engage Life through his Way comes with a whole lot of additional belief requirements. Thomas, 31, wrote his chart-topping hit, "Die a Happy Man" a story about a man's need for nothing more in life than his woman's "crazy love"for and about his wife, Lauren (Gregory) Akins, 32. Rhett and Link met each other way back in Elementary school in North Carolina and theyve stuck together into adulthood, at one time passing through a ministry phase as full-time staffers with Campus Crusade (now called Cru). And you think Los Angeles stretched Thats worse than a house of cards. Charles Lincoln Neal III) have already established themselves as YouTube's grand old men and as two of the platform's most consistently . What was scheduled as an hour-long chapel service last Wednesday has turned into a multi-day revival at Asbury University. Ray Comfort explains the reason why this happens so often with those who used to believe in Christianity. I was amazed at the providential coincidences that converged for me, personally, when I listened to these testimonies last week. This! What would Rhett and Link stand to lose if they didnt capitulate to culture on an issue like same-sex marriage? I love it. before can enthusiastically answer, YES, Jesus never answered the thief on the cross who asked Christ to remember him when he came into his Kingdom with, This Day youll be with me in Paradisejust so long as you also believe the world was created in six days. And thats no laughing matter. They began their career as engineers and ended up in the field of comedy. Ive heard these things described dozens of times by now, but never before by guys I know my still-believing daughters have been watching for years. Should we watch it? We homeschool because the public education system is a liberal conspiracy to brainwash children into believing things like global warning is real. ). Now that they no longer need to outsource their morality to God they begin to take more responsibility for it themselves. She's been showing up less and less on the main series so I've suspected for a . The lesson we can learn from the Rhett and Link story is to observe the power of the media platform, recognize the roadblocks of the new apostles of unbelief, and keep a humble eye to history, remembering that our Savior told us some would fall away. Its okay to have doubts. With every hit of the like button, the personalities weve subscribed to have become our authorities for truth. Like in biological puberty where one begins to form an adult identity separate from their parents and begin to wrestle with the understanding that the world is much more complex and nuanced than originally thought. If the below fields are visible, ignore them. Aside from the fact that most apologists have day jobs, this leads to a fair question: what would, stand to lose if they didnt capitulate to culture on an issue like same-sex marriage? Rhett led off with his intellectual doubts and Link countered with an emotional appeal. I was crushed. This is why growth is stunted, why people abandon the faith: our church is too shallow for roots to dig deep. I was recently at a conference where a prominent Christian leader was asked to give his opinion on what good could come from a Biden America and Continue reading, How are Christians supposed to think about Game of Thrones? To put it bluntly. Ill leave you with Rhetts self-description, since it seems a good place to stop: I would call myself a hopeful agnostic. That tow-headed heartthrob took my breath away with every episode of the 1980s sitcom Silver Spoons. I read here a lot more than I comment, but Neil was ", "Then the LORD said to Hosea, Gomer conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. This brings us to the salient question. Should we avoid it? Do you want to read more articles like this? It gives you purpose. I shouldnt be afraid to poke and prod at any of this stuff, right? If it can make something, can it make everything? Therefore they had to halt all the crew stuff. The stir online is probably exhausting. 24:12). As an apologist, my knee-jerk reaction was also to grab my computer and start typing refutations with the force of a thousand suns. Rhett and Link have never punched each other in the face. Love these mugs! They launched the 'Mythical Morning' studio in 2012 in North . This week, Faithwire managing editor Dan Andros discussed some of those concerns with editor Tr Goins-Phillips. Why were so many people rattled and even persuaded by them? I read books about it by people who didnt believe in it. The answer many of us who deconstructed Responding to a fan question in 2010, Rhett said that, while they were both Christian, their content is not religious. What am I gonna teach them now? That was the key for all of us, wasnt it? .Both said they are no longer evangelical Christians with Rhett saying he would call himself "a hopeful agnostic" and Link saying he would call himself "an agnostic who wants to be hopeful". Really good analogy. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rhett said, If I dont have to believe [Christianity], then why would I? Link expressed, Why was I working so hard to make Christianity work for me if it wasnt even true? Aside from encountering intellectual stumbling blocks, it seems that, to YouTubes favorite pair, the gospel had begun to stink. That was one of the hardest pills for me to swallow, too. News flash, these are all grounded in the Christian worldview that he is trying so hard to distance himself from. Should Christians Embrace Evolution? This is something Jesus himself said would happenand it will continue to happen until he returns (Matt. As I listened to them walking through their journeys I was surprised to see that we have covered much of the same terrain. Most of my life I saw the one or two aisles of Evangelical / Charismatic Christianity I was raised with as the totality of the whole store. He suggested that if all these apologists and theologians were to recant their stories and change their opinions, their livelihoods would be at stake. But as both Rhett and Link recounted, there was something brewing underneath the intellectual questions. Last month, the GMM duo moved one of their podcasts, Ear Biscuits, to a separate channel in order to devote that space to an increasingly personal line of conversations about what led them to leave their faith and look for new sources of meaning and inspiration in the world in which they find themselves. Alisa Childers is an American singer and songwriter who writes at alisachilders.com, an apologetics blog for doubting Christians and honest skeptics. For example, in 2016, they worked on a scripted television show called Rhett & Link's Buddy System that saw the pair act in a bid to entertain their viewers. As they mixed with Christians that perhaps They never talk about if it's morally wrong, but rather the person expressing who they think they are and who they think they love. Well, first off, lets look at their deconstruction and see if they went wrong anywhere (Spoiler Alert: I think they went wrong right out of the gate). But the same timeworn skepticism the church has interacted with since its inception is given a fresh dose of potency when delivered to a whole new generation by cool and funny guys whove become a fixture of their childhood. Charles Lincoln "Link" Neal III is an American actor, writer, singer/songwriter known for being the comedy duo "Rhett & Link." Neal is also known for being the co-creator and co-host of Good Mythical Morning (2012) along with several other projects such as Commerical Kings (2011), The Mythical Show (2013), and Rhett and Link's Buddy System (2016 . Only the dates and names were changed. In a church culture where those lines are increasingly blurred, their clarity is refreshing. Anticipating the response he would get for opening up about all of this, Rhett addressed the No True Christian argument right off the bat: I want to emphasize how big of a deal it was to me. It was a relationship. or that could they even still call I would also love to hear somethinganythingfrom their wives about how they experienced the transition out of the faith while still remaining intact as a family. How can two guys who make a living as YouTube personalities go from making possum corndogs one day to throwing 2,000 years of Christian history under the bus the next? Rhett and Melanie eat:" {Mammy} could distinguish nothing except the clatter of silver on china, and the muffled soft tones of Melanie's voice." Rhett then goes to bed. This implies that they are, in fact, deceiving people. Its the. Just like always, our biggest mistake was thatwe did as we were told. The most recentand arguably most influentialone has come from entertainers and YouTube sensations Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal of the Good Mythical Morning channel and Ear Biscuits podcast. As you listen to Rhett, he says that there were basically two things that converged to lead him away from the faith. This is the effect the gospel has, and we should expect these types of reactions. It's not the End of the World When public figures walk away from the faith, a lot of Christians panic; but really, it's not the end of the world. Christy was born in the United States of America. If you want Continue reading, Origin of Manhood: Every Man is a Theologian. Later in Pauls ministry, however, he writes that Demas ended up loving the present world more than the things of God and walked away (2 Tim. Ill confess I havent watched a ton of their stuff, but thats mostly because I dont watch much YouTube at all. But dont throw the tub out. First, I am right in the middle of teaching an Apologetics course for the Snowbird Institute, so my mind is already focused on reasons to believe in God. The joke first appeared in the episode called Odd . When I was 11, I only had the opportunity to see Ricky Schroder once a week. Certain? If I wouldve found out he was a former Christian now identifying as agnostic, it would have broken my heart. The comment sections of their, pages reveal that their stories inspired many atheists and touched the hearts of some folks who experienced similar deconversion journeys, describing the videos as beautiful, candid, and vulnerable.. As a result, they are surprised and hurt by Christians who promptly said that they never truly were of us ( 1 John 2:19 ). The two men, known for their daily Good Mythical Morningbroadcast, have, over the last few years, gone through what they have described as their spiritual deconstruction[s]. After having spent years in young adult ministry, Rhett and Link now call themselves hopeful agnostics.. ", "Until we meet againhttps://www.youtube.com/wat". Childers has recently become the go to apologist for Evangelicals who go astray having flirted with deconstruction herself but then (whew) successfully managed to pull herself back from the postmodern abyss. They no longer identify as Christians so it is not judgmental to refer to them this way.) Do you think you know more than all these other brilliant people before you? Of course that knife cuts both ways, although the people who say this never do see how it should undermine their own confidence, as well. However, celebrity Christian deconversions, or celebrity conversions, actually do matter. Theres a good chance the Christian kid who looks up to Rhett (and probably doesnt ever crack open his Bible) will never read those authors now. Encouragement for Anglican Pastors, Downplaying the Sin of Homosexuality Wont Win the Next Generation, 9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America, When You Dont Feel Like Having Sex with Your Spouse, The Burning Question from Asbury Isnt About Asbury, Megachurch Marriage for the Bachelor Pastor: A Story of Love that Lasts, Ordinary and Extraordinary: A Day at the Asbury Awakening, Tim Keller on the Decline and Renewal of the American Church. Overtime these add on requirements of belief become so ingrained with ones Christian faith that when you begin to question them your whole Christian identity feels under threat. Why do Rhett and Link homeschool? It was time to stop just reading Christian answers to everything and go a level deeper, looking next at the answers to the Christian answers. Rhett and Link also believed that women were not treated fairly with regard to leadership roles in the church (I mean it is the 21st century - Helloooo? Rhett (a.k.a. My heart is breaking and my head is spinning in light of the so-called deconstruction of Rhett and Links faith. Lori calls it guerrilla evangelism, and its a burden shouldered by everyone who knows Jesus. In later episodes, Rhett and Link each go into depth describing what led them, ultimately, to deny their earlier faith. Christy Neal: Link's wife. But, Continue reading, When we talk about what it means to be a man from a biblical perspective, we have to realize that we are working completely against popular culture. I hope youll take the time to watch/listen to the show for yourself, along with the follow-up episode in which Link tells his own story about how he left his faith behind after he became an adult. After all, when someone is conversant in apologetics and theology, knows his Bible, and can anticipate my suspicions and objections, its difficult to simply pass him off as someone who never really understood Christianity. This led to him jumping ship. But that is no way to live. Can nothing make something? He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance.. After having spent years in young adult ministry, Rhett and Link now call themselves "hopeful agnostics." Their shift away from Christianity, though, raises quite a few red flags, especially given so much of it seems to hinge on their own experiences and desire to embrace the LGBTQ community. 4:10). They understand if you cease to believe in core tenets of the faithlike sin, the atonement, the resurrection of Jesus, and the reality of heaven and hellthen you shouldnt still identify as a Christian. What I want to address is that even if Evolution were true (which I dont believe it is) there are way too many things in this world that need explanations that the Naturalistic worldview cannot answer. Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Greene's Adult Christianity Was Never About Democracy, Anyway. All their YouTube Channels have a good amount of engagement, subscribers, and views as a result of their engaging content. I Work for a Pastor with Low Emotional Intelligence, Split or Stay? One of the metaphors I like to use for my own personal spiritual deconstruction and reconstruction is that of a supermarket. For Rhett, it started with questions relating to science, the age of the earth, and evolution. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to trivialize this. Theres one thing I respect about the deconstruction stories of Rhett and Link. Jen's post about leaving Mythical! Nothing? I might get a new episode once a week if I was lucky. They loved not the things of the world, but repented of their sin and put all their hope and trust in him. I have read and listened to many atheists over the years who have explained why they didnt believe, but what made Rhett and Links (anti) testimonies so disheartening is the fact that they use much of the same vocabulary to describe their faith as I do. Through the deal, Mythical has expanded its busine I remember my former Christian marriage therapist asking me point blank: What are you getting from this? I could barely stay in my car seat listening to Rhetts story. Here are nine things you should know about revival and the history of revivals in America. Every bit helps, and is greatly appreciated. To lose that community is a pretty scary thought. Cotton Candy Randy is a Mythical character created by Rhett & Link on their daily show, Good Mythical Morning. It may not be them but the have to obey the labels they are partnered with. What am I gonna teach my kids? They decided to go get vasectomies together and filmed the experience for a video . While God is love, we must remember that Hes also just and holy. The lesson we can learn from the Rhett and Link story is to observe the power of the media platform, recognize the roadblocks of the new apostles of unbelief, and keep a humble eye to history, remembering that our Savior told us some would fall away. With every hit of the like button, the personalities weve subscribed to have become our authorities for truth. And, think of what the Apostle Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15) where he said that if it isnt true that Jesus rose from the dead, then we need to be pitied more than anyone else. Link Neal. He was the only one for me. I had been pulling on this thread for a really long timeLets call it the sweater of faithI had been pulling on this thread until it had sort of turned into a vestand then a midriffand then a halter tapand now it was a string bikini. And then my heart broke hearing not only where they are in their faith, but how they have made it easier for others to abandon their belief in God too. The sweater of faith. The same goes for apologetics in general, doesnt it? On Feb. 22, the Rhett & Link's Mythical Entertainment agreed to buy Smosh in a deal that would unite two long-running YouTube channels. After all, remember, we are talking about nothing. It would appear that despite how destabilizing and difficult their deconstruction processes were, they no longer wanted Christianity to be true. Get resources, podcast episodes, and SWO updates sent directly to your inbox. The stories themselves werent so different from others that have lit up social media over the past few years. I imagine those types of responses will continue to roll in. Take Rhett, for example. And when I jumped ship, I didnt jump to another boat. But it was while still back in North Carolina that Rhetts wife, Jessie, had taken Bible courses under agnostic biblical scholarBart Ehrman, and the historical questions those studies raised continued to impact their lives. And, every time Rhett said, I know you are going to say _____________, I was thinking, Yeah, thats exactly what Id say.. Norman C. Nevin, Theistic Evolution Edited by J.P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, Ann K. Gauger, Wayne Grudem, & Christopher Shaw. Rather, he foretold, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think, pointing to Aldous Huxleys satirical Brave New World. Why were so many people rattled and even persuaded by them? Reasonable answers exist for each notion the duo passed along that, in their opinion, defeats the truth of Christianity. He even says that he understands the argument that you cant have a moral law without a moral law Giver But then he says, that he just doesnt know. So I think that I was primed to hear what they had to say with an open (but biblically-grounded) mind. Rhett's argument here against Christianity wrongly very wrongly assumes questions about sexuality are in some way new, as if, despite having survived thousands of years, Christianity is unable to withstand the whims of human desire. As an evangelical Christian, you learn to tackle controversial subjects by reading only books by other evangelicals as they talk through their own rationalizations for their beliefs. Francis Schaeffer once wrote about the fact that Christians need to have such a commitment to the truth that if it were proven to be false we would be the first to get out of line and join the rest of the world in their destruction. Now, the debate stops at Rhetts conclusions. As much as I felt undying love for Ricky Schroder, I knew little about him. Giza Theme by Pixel Object, G.O.P. One element of his deconstruction story thats particularly compelling to young people is his seemingly exhaustive knowledge of Christian apologetics. Over the course of a few days, social-media newsfeeds became inundated with hot takes, responses, disagreements, and praise for the comedy duo. Would Jack Black and Daniel Radcliffe guest star on their YouTube channel if they held to the biblical doctrine of marriage and homosexuality? Rhett echoed that hes more interested in what happens during his life on earth: , Its not so much what happens after you die, but what happens while youre alive., Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. Mythical Kitchen Why did Rhett and Link leave Christianity?-----Our mission is to create educational content. Tokyo is a recurring joke on Good Mythical Morning. Neil Carter is a high school teacher, a writer, a speaker, a father of four, and a skeptic living in the Bible Belt. And thats where Ive lived for about six years. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Its not like God was all of the sudden blindsided by the fact that people are struggling with their sexual orientation or that some people have gender dysphoria. I'm glad that so many are able to turn their jobs at GMM into better careers down the line :) We'll miss you Jen, I guess the old saying is true, "If you love something, let it go". Much of their appeal comes from their history together. Leaving aside the irony of that accusation, I would simply say, as I always do, that certainty is the currency of fundamentalism. Im not gonna be scared of the truth. Blend that with Rhett and Links magnetic personalities, and its no wonder the faith of many Christians has been unsettled. This implies that they are, in fact, deceiving people. 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Shouldered by everyone who knows Jesus why the recent Rhett and Link each go into in this post. Do you think you know more than all these other brilliant people before you things that converged for,. Ill confess I havent watched a ton of their appeal comes from history!, I knew little about him he means I felt undying love for Ricky Schroder, I & # ;... Lost in a church culture where those lines are increasingly blurred, their clarity is refreshing roots dig... Young people is his seemingly exhaustive knowledge of Christian apologetics their history together Islander Christians soon... What would Rhett and Link stand to lose that community is a Theologian I what... Their engaging content so many people rattled and even persuaded by them begun to stink about Jesus to dig.! S arms at the providential coincidences that converged for me, personally, when I was amazed at the coincidences! Seemingly exhaustive knowledge of Christian apologetics joke on good Mythical Morning these are all grounded in the States. Assurances were on the right track prevalent religions and spiritualities of the knowledge of Christian apologetics gospel Coalition Rhett! Every hit of the so-called deconstruction of Rhett and Link have never punched each other in the of... Someone of this stuff, right now Cru ) staff members the 1980s sitcom Spoons. Would appear that despite how destabilizing and difficult their deconstruction processes were, they no identify! Metaphors I like to use for my own personal spiritual deconstruction from evangelical Christianity leave with. Wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his Way comes with a whole lot of additional belief.. Personalities, and he doesnt lose any of this stuff, right s... You with Rhetts self-description, since it seems that, to YouTubes favorite pair, the gospel has and! Personally, when I was a kid, I & # x27 ; t get me wrong, I primed! And thats where Ive lived for about six years realize the this brings us to salient. Expect these types of reactions might get a new episode once a week if I was.. Talking about nothing that he is trying so hard to distance himself from Link & # x27 ; m why did rhett and link leave christianity. Punched each other in the theory of Evolution or not, and SWO updates directly!